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​More Products From Wood Less Emissions From Pulping

Less Emissions From Pulping

More Products From Wood

the Program Coordinator.

We are open for new partners.

VTT - Emission Free Pulping Partner.
Andritz - Emission Free Pulping Partner
Arauco - Emission Free Pulping Partner
Business Finland -  Emission Free Pulping Partner.
Metsä - Emission Free Pulping Partner
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UPM-Kymmene Oyj - Emission Free Pulping Partner
Valmet - Emission Free Pulping Partner
Aalto University - Emission Free Pulping Partner
Chalmers - Emission Free Pulping Partner
Helsingin Yliopisto - Emission Free Pulping Partner
KTH Vetenskap Och Konst - Emission Free Pulping Partner.
LUT University - Emission Free Pulping Partner
Mittuniversitetet - Emission Free Pulping Partner
University of Oulu - Emission Free Pulping Partner
Åbo Akademi University - Emission Free Pulping Partner
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Biomaterial processing and products, Vice President, VTT

Atte Virtanen
Atte Virtanen, Biomaterial processing and products, Vice President, VTT

Due to the limited nature of forest resources, the growth opportunities for the industry are constrained. Moreover, the burning of biomass in the pulping process results in the emission of biogenic CO2. To significantly enhance resource efficiency and increase value-add from wood, revising the chemical processes and unit operations used in the pulping process is essential.

SVP Group R&D, Metsä Group

Katariina Kemppainen
Katariina Kemppainen - SVP Group R&D, Metsä Group

We are deeply committed to the vision of a thriving forest-based ecosystem that delivers the full value of Nordic wood. The key to achieving this lies in fostering innovation and coming together as an industry and as a research ecosystem. By combining our efforts, we can drive advancements that not only enhance efficiency but also uphold our commitment to environmental stewardship. It's about creating a future where sustainable wood use and more resource-efficient pulping methods go hand in hand, ensuring the longevity and prosperity of our forests and the industries dependent on them.

Senior Vice President,
Group Innovation R&D, Stora Enso

Mikael Hannus
Mikael Hannus - Senior Vice President, Group Innovation R&D, Stora Enso

We celebrate that other companies and universities share our view on the necessity to use science and joint research for enabling significant improvement of the material yields from pulping and thereby reducing emissions. Can we reach zero? Let’s see what academia and industry together develop based on science, knowledge, and inclusion of industrial realities from start to end in the program.

Director of Research &
Business Development, RISE

Per Tomani
Per Tomani - Director of Research & Business Development, RISE

The key to success lies in open collaboration. This is why we invite industry leaders and scientists from around the world to join our consortium, participating in spearheading research that aims to transform pulping processes for better energy and material efficiency.

CTO, Andritz

Johan Engström
Johan Engström - CTO, Andritz

The challenge is common to the entire industry; no one can solve it alone. Technology plays one key role in the evolution of the pulp and paper industry. This transformation is not just about meeting industry standards; it's about setting new benchmarks for environmental responsibility and operational excellence. The focus needs to remain on innovation and collaboration to drive this vital change in the industry.

Executive Director, Business Finland

Timo Metsä-Tokila
Timo Metsä-Tokila  - Executive Director, Business Finland

Long-term research cooperation between companies, research organizations and universities is essential for solving major sustainability challenges. With the financing of this joint project, we want to speed up the renewal of the forest industry, which is of paramount importance for Finland's competitiveness.

Manager R&D Renewable Fibers

Mats Wildlock
Mats Wildlocks - SC & HC Process, Nouryon

We see Emission Free Pulping as a unique program to join forces in developing fundamental knowledge for sustainable pulping and to secure competencies for the future. We also believe that chemicals will continue to play an important role in the pulping process and will do our best to support the program towards 'future proof' pulping.

The Emission Free Pulping is a 5-year research program led by VTT and RISE that aims to significantly reduce biomass burning and increase the product yield from wood from approximately 50% to around 70%.

Emission Free Pulping is a 5-year research program led by VTT and RISE that aims to significantly reduce biomass burning and increase the product yield from wood from approximately 50% to around 70%. The program is projected to have a budget of around 15 million euros over the next five years.

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